
Foundations of Natural Intelligence

Saturday, 9th August, 2025 19:00
Saturday, 16th August, 2025 14:00


Week-long Retreat in the Woods: Foundations of Natural Intelligence

Time and space to reconnect…

Seven days of self-discovery in a retreat environment, free from phones, internet and electricity – living in yurts on the edge of the woods in the company of your fellow students and course facilitators.

Who are we when all that is non-essential is stripped away?

On this 7-day retreat we will be given the essentials: delicious food, fresh spring water, clean air, warm shelter, wood-fired hot-water outdoor showers, and good company.

Through living close to and approaching nature with respect, we may learn how much we depend on it, how we are inseparable from and responsible towards it, just as we depend on each other.

Each day focuses on a theme for discussion, such as being, unity, wholeness, and our place in the universe. Together we will explore these questions and more. The course facilitators are also part of this journey, living and working alongside the participants throughout the seven days.

The schedule is rigorous, beginning with a guided meditation each day, with the morning dedicated to conversation. The afternoon provides time for a rest and for physical work (such as cooking, gardening, or chopping wood), followed by further discussion and meditation before supper. In the evenings we go for walks or sit by the fire and study the stars..

All meals are nutritious (with many of the ingredients from the Chisholme garden) and prepared together, cooked on a fire that you have kindled yourself.

Although the course is intensive and challenging, it can be transformative. (see testimonials)

To Apply

Please email secretary@chisholme.org or call +44 (0)1450 880 215


This course is fully residential, with shared accommodation in yurts. Fees include all food and accommodation. The course begins with supper at 7pm on Saturday night. Please arrive a little in advance in order to settle into your yurt. The course will end the following Saturday at 2pm.


The location is in the grounds of Chisholme House, a beautiful estate in the Scottish Borders.


The cost is £350 for the week with £50 deposit due once your place has been confirmed.

Note on fees: We try to ensure that people are not excluded for financial reasons. Please contact secretary@chisholme.org for various payment options..


‘Never in my life had I been with a group of people who conversed like this. We all opened up to express ourselves and found out little clues as to who we really are.’ Gregory

‘I’m struggling to find the words to describe how amazing and life changing the Woodland Retreat has been for me. Quite possibly the most seminal week of my life with lots of fun, laughter, friendship, beauty and good food thrown in. Go. Seriously, you owe it to yourself to go do it…’
S.L. course participant

‘This course is a completely wonderful adventure. Over the week you become immersed in the experience and in the bubble that forms around you and the rest of the group – you feel you are in a totally safe place where you can be open and vulnerable and really think about who you are, and your place in the world.’ Georgie

Hannah Dalgleish writes an appreciation




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