Julian of Norwich

Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1416) is known to us almost only through her book, The Revelations of Divine Love, which is widely acknowledged as one of the great classics of mysticism, and the spiritual life. She is thought to have been the first woman to write a book in English which has survived.

from Ch 86 of her ‘Showings – Revelations of Diving Love’
‘…throughout the time of my showings, I wished to know what our Beloved meant. More than fifteen years later, the answer came in a spiritual vision. This is what I heard. ‘Would you like to know our Lord’s meaning in all this? Know it well: love was His meaning. Wo revealed this to you? Love. What did he reveal to you? Love. Why did he reveal it to you? For love. Stay with this and you will know more of the same. You will never know anything but love, without end.’

For more, here a talk by Cecilia Twinch on Julian of Norwich, given as part of MIAS online 2022: "Ibn Arabi, receptivity and the idea of the feminine"