Discovering Unity

All courses offered at Chisholme have the sole purpose of creating the conditions for self-knowledge in the light of the unity of being. To this end the approach is experiential rather than academic, and aims to establish us in a vision and taste that can inform the rest of our lives.

The beautiful, quiet location of Chisholme offers a strong support and deeply nurturing environment for this kind of enquiry.

To find out what kind of courses are usually available throughout a year, please see below.

Is you wish to visit Chisholme, or apply to spend time here as a volunteer, then please write to the secretary.

Residential Courses

Introductory Courses

The raw material of these courses and their subject matter is us. The premise of unity – that all being is One – is the starting point and constant reference, and what will inform us in fact is our own inner reality. The design of the courses and their contents are intended solely to stimulate and nourish this process.

As each person is unique, so each course comprises different ingredients, and no two courses are ever the same.

Please contact if you would like to attend.

Woodland Retreats

Foundations of Natural Intelligence
Seven days of self-discovery through guided retreat, living close to nature and free from phones, internet and electricity.

Currently unavailable but please email for future retreats.

Volunteer Programme

Experience the joy of living and working in a place dedicated to supporting your discovery of your own potential.

For more details see here...

Winter Retreats

40-Day Intensive

Who am I really? What am I for?
This fully immersive forty-day retreat allows you the chance to uncover answers to these universal questions. It will be an exploration of your self, of your very being, and of the nature of your relationships with others and the world.
Each day includes time for group study, work, meditation and devotional practices.

99-Day Intensive

This course, which takes Ibn 'Arabi's Wisdom of the Prophets as its core text is intended as a follow-on to the 40-Day course.
It is open to anyone who has participated in a 40-day Retreat Course, or completed a previous Six-month Course/Two-year On-line Course or similar preparation.

If you are interested in any of the courses mentioned above, please contact



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I'm struggling to find the words to describe how amazing and life changing the Woodland Retreat has been for me. Quite possibly the most seminal week of my life with lots of fun, laughter, friendship, beauty and good food thrown in. Go. Seriously, you owe it to yourself to go do it...
(Sue L. course participant 2017)

Tue 1st April 2025 12:00 to
Wed 30th April 2025 00:00

Garden and Woodland


Fri 18th April 2025 09:00 to
Mon 21st April 2025 14:00

Easter weekend volunteering in the woodland


Fri 25th April 2025 09:00 to
Sun 27th April 2025 14:00

Woodland volunteering this April


A talk by Alan Ereira